segunda-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2012

A nossa BIOQUÍMICA DO EXERCÍCIO irá participar FASEB-Experimental Biology 2012

Parabéns às Profas Cláudia Lagranha e Mariana Pinheiros e todos os estudantes e colaboradores por esta excelente notícia.

Estamos todos do NEFCS orgulhosos de vocês!!!!

Venho com grande alegria compartilhar com todos que teremos representação do NNI-DOHaD em um dos maiores Congressos Internacional do mundo: FASEB-Experimental Biology 2012. Felizmente os dois resumos enviados foram aprovados para apresentação de nossos estudos.

1. Effect of the protein restriction on mitochondrial heart. Claudia Lagranha, Luciana Nascimento, Cristiane Freitas, Alessandra Silva, Reginaldo Silva-Filho, Mariana P Fernandes. Abstract Number: 362

Poster Session Title: Mitochondria in Health and Disease
Day of Presentation: Sunday April 22, 2012

Program Number: 565.1

Poster Board Number: A134

Poster Manning Time: Authors must be present at their posters from 1:05 PM - 2:35 PM

Location: San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Hall

2. Oxidative stress and hemodynamics alterations induced by fluoxetine. Aline Isabel Silva, Ligia Galindo- Novaes, Raul Manhaes-de-Castro, Joao Henrique Costa-Silva, Sandra Lopes Souza, Claudia Lagranha. Abstract Number: 1276,

Poster Session Title: Developmental Programming and Cardio-renal Function in Adults,
Day of Presentation: Tuesday April 24, 2012,
Program Number: 1102.2.
Poster Board Number: D704

Poster Presentation Time: 2:00 - 3:15 (II)

Location: San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Hall

Parabéns a todos!!

Experimental Biology (EB) is a multidisciplinary, scientific meeting features plenary and award lectures, pre-meeting workshops, oral and poster sessions, on-site career services and exhibits featuring an array of equipment, supplies and publications required for research labs and experimental study. General fields of study include anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathology, nutrition, and pharmacology.
EB 2012 is open to all members of the sponsoring and guest societies and nonmembers with interest in research and life sciences. The majority of scientists represent university and academic institutions as well as government agencies, non-profit organizations and private corporations. The meeting is comprised of nearly 14,000 scientists and exhibitors representing six sponsoring societies and over 30 guest societies.

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